Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dear Abby,

I started this blog several months ago to track my pregnancy. Life got away from and I forgot. So I wanted to start by documenting what I can remember from the past year or so.

I sit here 32 weeks pregnant. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It really does seem like just yesterday I was peeing on stick and getting the surprise of lifetime. Your Dad and got married on June 7th, 2008. A post will follow later all about us and our relationship. Hopefully I get this done before you arrive. We decided to stay on birth control for at least a year. We weren't ready financially and I was still finishing up my senior year of college.

After I graduated from college, got my first "big girl" job, and your Dad had a good job I decided to go off birth control "just to see what would happen". I believe ironically this was in March 2009. In college before being on BC and having regulated periods, I would skip periods every so often. I really didn't think anything of it bc I was young and dumb. When we ditched the BC I got two periods and then they stopped all together. At first your dad and I were like holy shit, this is it. All it took was two months. Well we were wrong. I went several months with out a period. I decided to go to my OB to see what was up. I was diagnosed with PCOS in October of 2009. Basically what this means is that I don't get regular periods or ovulate. I was really upset. I honestly thought we were in for the long haul. We weren't ready quite yet for a baby. We still had alot of things left we wanted to do. Travel, buy a house, and save money. Regardless we decided to see a specialist bc it couldnt hurt to get a jump start.

A couple of months later we met Dr. Nash. He confirmed I had PCOS and he did a battery of tests. Gave me some meds to jump start my period etc. We were at the doctor what seemed every week or so. In spring of 2010 he suggested a surgery to remove a cyst on my ovary. He said it wasn't necessarily causing issues but it couldnt hurt our chances to come out. We agreed. I still wasn't getting any periods with out the help of prescription drugs.  So we set the surgery date for June 7th, 2010 our 2nd wedding anniversary.

On June7th your Dad and I arrived at the hospital. I was eerily calm about the surgery. I was a little nervous but I think deep down I knew this was OUR answer to the problems we had been having. Everyone commented on how calm I was about the surgery. I am normally a mess over these types of things.  The surgery went well, and the doctor comment on "How nice my uterus was".

The next few days your Dad got to wait on me hand and foot. I loved it (hehe). I recovered quickly and went back to work. Two weeks later I went to the doctor for a post follow up. He said all was good and gave us the green light to start trying. Well we did. To our surprise we got pregnant with you just two short weeks after the surgery.

**The Day we found out**

I can't remember the day exactly y but iwas early July 2010. I hadn't gotten a period yet after my surgery. I was worried. I even took some meds to start it and nothing. After dinner with some friends I decided to stop at the grocery store for some pregnancy tests. I got a two pack. You always need a two pack, just to be sure. Trust me on this one.

I got home from dinner and was chatting with your dad. I dipped into the bathroom took the test. I was totally expecting for the test to come back negative as it did the 430432095 other times I took tests. As the test "developed" (for back of a better word) I sat there waiting. Most women will tell you they "knew". I had no freaking idea. The positive sign came up and was shocked. My jaw dropped. I yelled to your Dad "OMG I am gonna pass out,  I am gonna pass out". He yelled "Ummm why". I yelled "bc it's freaking positive!".  We looked at each other, and hugged I could barely believe it.  I took the other one to be sure it wasn't a false positive and again it came up positive. We called the doc the next day and sure enough a blood test confirmed I was pregnant.

So that's it pretty much how we got here today. I have been thankful to have a pretty easy pregnancy. You seem like you are going to be a laid back baby. Just like your dad. But still fiesty sometimes like me. You like to put your feet under my ribs and push. You also like to stick your butt out and poke it around. I think this means you are going to be one funny kid.  So far I have craved tomatoes, oranges (OMG oranges I can't get enough of these I have even considered moving to FL with your aunt for the remainder of the pregnancy), cinnamon rolls, doughnuts, pretty much any baked good and mexican food. We love you so much. We can wait to meet you. I personally I am hoping for a St. Patrick's day bday. Trust me when you get to college you will thank me. :)
